Nancy Huff & Ken Hebel

2015 Denzel Hufford Garden Award Winners The Denzel Hufford Garden Award recognizes outstanding gardens that enhance the natural beauty of Old Town Noblesville. Grand Prize Nancy Huff received an outdoor garden marker and $200. Her spectacular garden is in Harbour Woods Overlook in Noblesville.  When Nancy moved in, she created a wooded back area with…

Mike Corbett

Meet our 2015 Interior Rehabilitation Award winners! The Community Spirit Award is presented for supporting efforts to “reclaim” Old Town neighborhoods for residential use, enhancing the rich quality of life in Old Town. It would be difficult to find anyone more deserving of the Community Spirit Award than Mike Corbett. He works successfully with people wearing many…

Anita & Brian Landress

2015 Interior Rehabilitation Award winner The Interior Rehabilitation Award is presented for the most impressive interior restoration project in Old town Noblesville. The work the Landresses have undertaken on their 122-year-old Queen Anne style Victorian is phenomenal. It proves them to be true caretakers who are seeking to preserve this grande dame for future generations. Great job, and good…

Randy & Kathy Tomes

2015 Exterior Rehabilitation Award winner The Exterior Rehabilitation Award is presented for the most impressive exterior restoration project in Old town Noblesville. Early in 2015, Randy and Kathy Tomes decided to move their 3 children from one of Noblesville’s ubiquitous subdivisions to historic Old Town. They were ready for compelling architecture and a walkable community for their children.…

Rob & Krista Bocko

2015 Interior Rehabilitation Award winner The Interior Rehabilitation Award is presented for the most impressive interior restoration project in Old town Noblesville. If you’ve driven by Krista and Rob Bocko’s Gothic Revival home at 1194 Clinton Street since September, you’ve probably noticed the changes taking place outside. Since receiving one of the 2015 NPA façade grants and hiring the NPA work crew…