Meet our 2015 Interior Rehabilitation Award winners!
The Community Spirit Award is presented for supporting efforts to “reclaim” Old Town neighborhoods for residential use, enhancing the rich quality of life in Old Town.

It would be difficult to find anyone more deserving of the Community Spirit Award than Mike Corbett. He works successfully with people wearing many hats in Noblesville and Hamilton County, and he is always striving to improve the community. Mike is owner and publisher of Hamilton County Business Magazine and Welcome to Hamilton County Community Guide, which both contribute to the success and growth of Noblesville. However, his love for and dedication to our city reach far beyond his daily job. Mike also serves on the Board of Directors of NPA as treasurer, serves on the design committee for Noblesville Main Street, serves on the board of HAND, serves on the SW Quad Neighborhood Association, serves as block captain for Crimewatch, serves on the grants review board.
Mike’s leadership and vision can be seen daily in his involvement in the life of Noblesville. In his own words: “My dream for Noblesville’s future is that we start recognizing the value of urban-scale development, which is how our city grew for its first 150 years. Suburban values threaten to overwhelm the historic fabric of the city and change its character. Noblesville’s strength and its unique appeal is its historic buildings, and I would like to see a healthier respect for that.”