Preston Tucker Home

This home was the former residence of Preston Tucker, a national innovator in the automobile industry and subject of the Hollywood movie, “Tucker.” This home was an excellent example of the American Foursquare style. This home which proudly stood on Hwy 38 since the early 20th century in a neighborhood of slow decline from residential…

Greek Revival Cottage

Built in 1900, this quaint cottage acted as a boundary between residential and commercial areas of downtown Noblesville. It does not appear in the Sanborn maps until c. 1900. It’s older architectural style gives a clue that the house may have been moved from another location. The home has been razed. Location: Maple St.

First Ward School

Constructed in 1888-1889, First Ward was a grand brick school. The construction of North Elementary on the north side of First Ward signaled the demise of this grand school building. During the summer of 1967 this historic structure was brought down by a wrecking ball. Location: Harrison & N. 10th St.