Murder in Noblesville: A Music Review

Save the date! Saturday, October 28, 7:00 pm at Preservation Hall in Noblesville, several local musicians will perform favorite murder ballads for your Halloween enjoyment!  Songs about killin’ have been a staple of folk music ever since there’s BEEN folk music. Many are rooted in actual historical events. Tom Dooley and Little Omie Wise are…

NPA Presents: Best of 1930’s & 40’s Comedy

Join Noblesville Preservation Alliance for a special showing presenting the best of 1930’s & 1940’s comedy. Including multiple acts featuring the comedy of Abbott & Costello, Burns & Allen, Jack Benny, and Stan Freburg. Three showings will be available: Friday, August 18 7 PM Saturday, August 19 7 PM Sunday, August 20 3 PM Register…

2023 NPA Flea Market

The Noblesville Preservation Alliance (NPA) would like to invite you to participate in our 4th Annual Flea Market!                                 Saturday, June 3                                     9 am –…